Wednesday, May 2, 2012

No squirrels hurt in demonstration

As of current reports, no squirrels were hurt tonight in the student demonstration that passed through Westmount.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Spring Tail

On the fence about getting his picture taken.

A spring tale.
A very good lean.

What's that you say...? We should have a caption contest for this one?
WE DO!! Enter your caption here!

This is not scabies, but an official sign of spring:
the shedding of the winter fur!

Is it a kangaroo?
No, it's a Westmount squirrel!

This one is a very good stander.
Some proud Westmount squirrel's grandson.

This squirreling session was very encouraging
for all the squirreling sessions to come
this spring and summer.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fat Winter Westmount Squirrels

As we were braving the cold for some extreme squirreling on this winter Sunday, we came across these lovely, quite fat Westmount squirrels just waiting to get their picture taken.