Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More generally great squirrel poses

People often assume that I am simply a squirrel lover, but it must be said that half the reason I love squirrels so much is based on the fact that they are awful. They are crusty garbage eating jerks, and I celebrate that (as I am not a home owner). Here are some more pictures that capture their wonderful shiftiness.

This is one of my personal favourites. He could be pooping, or just acting polite.

More mischief.

Squirrels in action

I tried to do a little study of squirrels in mid jump. They are quick and I am not, but there were a few keepers in which I am sharing in this post.

I know it's been way too long since I have posted anything, and fall has already arrived. I vow to keep fresh squirrel pics coming through as often as possible.

this guy could be photoshopped to be a football player, but I'm not going to do that.